Indian Army is strong and powerful Ever ready for attack on enemies so be careful Indian Army is strong and powerful Ever ready for attack on enemies so be caref...
Country becomes known for its ideals and policy of its own. Country becomes known for its ideals and policy of its own.
A child is suffering from blood cancer An old man is laughing with a bouncer! Easily a gangster be... A child is suffering from blood cancer An old man is laughing with a bouncer! ...
Lights and crackers all around, Children hustling in the ground... Lights and crackers all around, Children hustling in the ground...
Standing on the border... Clueless about the next moment.. Standing on the border... Clueless about the next moment..
I miss our silly fights for Decorating lights, And now you survive the war without frights... I miss our silly fights for Decorating lights, And now you survive the war wit...